
Melding van 2016-01-12 om 14:42 uur

So why not get inexpensive jump leads in its online shop?!

Take a jump with Rameder! (EN)

Rameder would like to take a jump with its customers and give one to their cars whenever a flat battery should require it, as is often the case in winter. But with jump leads, you get going again soon. Needless to say that Europe’s largest provider of car accessories provides them in its online shop,

The professional Rameder jump leads take up to 800 A and will give a jump even to large-volume diesel or petrol engines, provided the “donor battery” is the right one. What is especially convenient is that thanks to its 6m length the equipment can also be used at less than accessible places. The cable costs €61 and comes in a robust waterproof outdoor textile bag.

An equally recommendable piece of winter equipment is a Rameder battery charger like the compact and safe Charge Box 0.8 for only €55, which can be used for all 12V lead acid batteries.

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Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und Autoteile GmbH
Christiane Rudyk
Frankfurter Ring 95
80807 München • Duitsland

Telefoon +49 (0) 89 358 920 127

    Specialist in trekhaken in België