
Melding van 2016-02-26 om 12:32 uur

Individually designed cars – with Rameder’s chrome number plate holder

An attractive number plate (EN)

Tuning does not always have to involve huge exhausts or glaring paintwork. Small can also be very beautiful. A number plate holder with a base plate and a chrome frame, for example, is a discreet visual highlight on any car. The easily assembled set consists of a chrome-­framed base plate and costs no more than EUR 11. Order it from Rameder at

The non-­deforming, top-­quality stylish tuning element can be used for all European norm plates (52 cm x 11 cm) and is car-­wash-­proof. It can easily be affixed to both curved and straight bodies. However, it cannot be used for Austrian or other non-­conforming plates!

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Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und Autoteile GmbH
Christiane Rudyk
Frankfurter Ring 95
80807 München • Duitsland

Telefoon +49 (0) 89 358 920 127

    Specialist in trekhaken in België