
Melding van 2017-07-06 om 14:52 uur

Rameder have tips and products for automotive safety

Well equipped into your holiday (EN)
A holiday means relaxation and getting away from your routines. But this can be put paid to rather soon if your car breaks down. You should therefore have a few useful things with you, e.g. a warning triangle and safety vest. You can get these and many other products in our Rameder Shop. In Germany, and many other European countries, reflective vests are mandatory at any rate. A first-aid kit is also a must and you should regularly check its contents for BBDs.

But Rameder also has a few tips for you to prevent breakdowns from happening in the first place. If you service your car on a regular basis, latent or obvious defects will probably soon be noticed. And you should check your oil, coolant and brake fluid as well. For a fully loaded car, it is advisable to raise the tyre pressure to the allowed maximum. Best you store heavy luggage on the floor behind the back seats. And take rests during your trip, lest your attention span shortens considerably.

You can’t plan for any little possible occurrence though, and such plans would also spoil the spontaneous character of it all. Still, you shouldn’t leave it all to chance but heed Rameder’s tips. You will find the right products in the Rameder Shop at

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Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und Autoteile GmbH
Christiane Rudyk
Frankfurter Ring 95
80807 München • Duitsland

Telefoon +49 (0) 89 358 920 127

    Specialist in trekhaken in België